dimanche 3 juin 2012

May 2012

Racism in British schools


25 May 2012
A BBC investigation has found more than eighty thousand racist incidents were recorded in schools in England, Wales and Scotland over the last four years.
Rob Broomby
School children


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At first glance the headline figure is shocking. The numbers obtained under the Freedom of Information Act included responses from 90 local authorities. It suggests that despite years of improved racism awareness the problem is far from beaten.
14-year-old Khadeja Fahat a Muslim pupil at a school in Cheshire in the north west of England endured regular bouts of Islamophobic abuse and her education suffered. She was eventually forced to change schools.
But whilst expressing their abhorrence at such stories, some anti-racism campaigners have argued that the statistics may reflect increased awareness of the problem in schools and a preparedness to tackle it rather than a simple increase.
Yet other teachers say the figures may be an underestimate as many verbal incidents are simply dealt with immediately and never get reported at all. One anti-racism charity says there has been a growth in racist bullying towards Muslims students, and those from Roma, Gypsy and travelling communities.
But the Government has now dropped the requirement on all local authorities to report such incidents arguing the exercise is bureaucratic and that schools are best placed to decide how to tackle racism. But the question remains if the statistics are incomplete how will anyone know if progress is being made or indeed if more radical action is needed?


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unpleasant short periods
hatred or fear of muslims
feeling of strong hatred
to tackle it
to deal with the problem
verbal incidents
occurrences of using offensive language
legal obligation/ necessity
involving complicated and unnecessary rules
radical action
extreme or different ideas

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mardi 29 juin 2010

baker's dozen

baker's dozen - the cardinal number that is the sum of twelve and one
13, long dozen, thirteen, XIII
large integer - an integer equal to or greater than ten
Thirteen, as in The new bagel store always gives you a baker's dozen. The origins of this term are disputed. One theory is that in times when bread was sold by weight, bakers who short-weighted their customers were heavily fined, and for safety's sake they would sell thirteen loaves for the price of twelve. Another theory is that dealers purchasing bread from bakers were allowed by law to receive thirteen loaves for the price of twelve, the thirteenth representing their cut of profit. [Late 1500s]

lundi 21 juin 2010


Hercules هر کیو لیس

Hercules is the Roman name for the mythical Greek hero Heracles, son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmena. His first wife was Megara and his second wife was Deianeira. When Hera found out about Zeus's illegitimate son, she placed two snakes in his bed to kill him. Hera was unsuccessful, as Heracles, being born with great strength strangled the snakes when he found them.

EtymologyHercules' Latin name is not directly borrowed from Greek Herakles ("glory of Hera" vel sim.) but is a modification of the Etruscan name Hercle, which derives from the Greek name via syncope. An oath invoking Hercules (Hercle! or Mehercle!) was a common interjection in Classical Latin.[1]

jeudi 17 juin 2010

mardi 15 juin 2010

be-twixt = between


betwixt and between
In an intermediate position; neither wholly one thing nor another.

Jack-towel = roller- towel

jack-towel = roller- towel

roller towela long continuous towel suspended on a roller, or a very long towel fed through a device that rolls up the used part on a roller
roller toweln1. a towel with the two ends sewn together, hung on a roller2. a continuous towel wound inside a roller enabling a clean section to be pulled out when required