vendredi 17 avril 2009

Fred and Betty: Is this the End?
Episode 1:
Betty's Angry Betty: Fred, I found out about you and that other girl. How could you do this to me?!
Listen to Betty Download audio (mp3 - 172kb) Download this page (pdf - 57k) ________________________________________________________________ FIND OUT ABOUT Meaning: if you find out about something, you discover a fact or information that you did not know before, often because someone was keeping it secret.
Grammar: This phrasal verb needs an object. You can not separate the verb from its particles.
He found out about the theft - RIGHT
He found out about it - RIGHT
He found the theft out about - WRONG
He found it out about - WRONG
He found out the theft about - WRONG
He found out it about - WRONG
Example sentence:
Jonathan didn't find out about the missing money until the police wrote to him. ________________________________________________________________
Synonyms: discover, catch on to, detect, unearth ________________________________________________________________

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