mercredi 8 avril 2009

from BBC 1 avril

Les leaders se réunissent(concluent) pour G20 summitSummary le 1 avril 2009 Londres accueille(héberge) des réunions(rencontres) de haut niveau entre certains des leaders les plus puissants du monde aujourd'hui, dans un effort final de trouver le point commun en avance du sommet G20 de demain. Journaliste :

Bridget Kendall
Les intérêts(pieux) sont hauts et ont rarement tant de leaders puissants réunis en un endroit(place) pour essayer de forger une position commune. Bien que tous reconnaissent que l'action unie est nécessaire, avec seulement un jour pour aller avant que le sommet G20, les fentes(craquements) ne commencent à apparaître, comme des pays différents poussent leurs priorités propres. Le président Sarkozy de la France a même menacé de sortir si le règlement financier dur qu'il veut est dilué dans l'eau.
Peut-être c'est le déchaînement de pré sommet - plus peut devenir clair à sa conférence de presse commune cette après-midi avec le Chancelier allemand, Angela Merkel.

Elle a de nouveau montré que son irritation à l'Américain appelle à une augmentation globale(mondiale) de dépenses à démarrer la croissance. La Chine tient bon pour le coup(l'influence) accru dans des institutions comme le FMI et la Russie soutient n'importe quel changement qui diluera l'influence américaine.

Des réunions(rencontres) de pré sommet d'aujourd'hui incluent le Président Obama premier rencontre face à face avec les Présidents russes et chinois où tous espèrent un nouveau départ. Et descendant sur le pied juste avec le nouveau Président américain est haut sur la priorité de chacun. Ses officiels(fonctionnaires) disent qu'il veut écouter aussi bien que mener à Londres. Gordon Brown espérera que le charme Obama sera assez pour sauver(économiser) son sommet de la déception.
1 April 2009
London is hosting high level meetings between some of the world's most powerful leaders today, in a final effort to find common ground ahead of tomorrow's G20 summit.
Reporter:Bridget Kendall
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The stakes are high and rarely have so many powerful leaders gathered in one place to try to forge a common position. Although all agree united action is needed, with only a day to go before the G20 summit, cracks are beginning to emerge, as different countries push their own priorities. France's President Sarkozy has even threatened to walk out if the tough financial regulation he wants is watered down. Perhaps it's pre-summit bluster - more may become clear at his joint press conference this afternoon with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.
She's again shown her irritation at American calls for a global increase in spending to jump-start growth. China is holding out for increased clout in institutions like the IMF, and Russia backs any change that will dilute American influence.
Today's pre-summit meetings include President Obama's first face to face encounters with the Russian and Chinese Presidents where all are hoping for a fresh start. And getting off on the right foot with the new American President is high on everyone's priority. His officials say he wants to listen as well as lead in London. Gordon Brown will be hoping the Obama charm will be enough to save his summit from disappointment.
Bridget Kendall, BBC News, London
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The stakes are high
a lot depends on the outcome of these meetings

to forge
to make or produce (something difficult)

cracks are beginning to emerge
problems are starting to become obvious

watered down
when an idea or opinion is intentionally made to appear less important, usually so other people will be more likely to accept it (similar meaning to 'dilute')

pre-summit bluster
someone speaking in an angry and argumentative way (with little effect) prior to the summit starting

to jump-start growth
to try to make the economy grow (quickly and suddenly)

holding out
waiting until they get what they want

increased clout
more power and influence

face to face encounters
meetings in person

getting off on the right foot
beginning a relationship in the right way, making a good impression

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The stakes are high
a lot depends on the outcome of these meetings
to forge
to make or produce (something difficult)
cracks are beginning to emerge
problems are starting to become obvious
watered down
when an idea or opinion is intentionally made to appear less important, usually so other people will be more likely to accept it (similar meaning to 'dilute')
pre-summit bluster
someone speaking in an angry and argumentative way (with little effect) prior to the summit starting
to jump-start growth
to try to make the economy grow (quickly and suddenly)
holding out
waiting until they get what they want
increased clout
more power and influence
face to face encounters
meetings in person
getting off on the right foot
beginning a relationship in the right way, making a good impression
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