vendredi 27 mars 2009

For whom the bell tolls (11)

Chapter 11
1 -dismounted = got off a horse
2 -creaking =noise of two things moving agaist each other
3- suerte =Spanish word for "good luck"
4 - blaze = a mark cut on a tree to indicate a trail or place
5 maquina = (here) Spanish word for machine gun
6 stretch = (here) part
7 pine-needle = leaf of a pine tree
8 swooping = (here) moving quickly
9 - mounted = (here) got higher
10 -staff car = car used in the army to carry officers
11- thwarted = unfulfilled
12 - outcome = conclusion
13 -short-wave sets = short-wave radios
14- framework = (here) the structure that supports the bridge
15 - jerk = pull very quickly
16- pit of his stomach = part of the stomach where he feels fear
17- dug his heels in = put the back of his feet into the ground
18 - dove = jumped head first, past tense of "to dive"
19- pebbles = small, round , smooth stones.
20- numb = without feeling because of shock or fear
21- unelated = not happy
22- timber = (here) forest.
23- surging = (here) moving more quickly
24- boiler = a metal container for heating water as in a steam engine.
25- ripped apart = pulled open violently and quickly
26 - joint = an articulation between two bones that allows movement
27-mucked = (here) ruined
28- swelling = an increase in size
29- You are all there will be of me= when I am gone my memory will live in you
30- drained = finished
31 - bile = bitter, yellow liquid produced by the liver
32 - trotting = riding quite fast on a horse

For whom the bell tolls (10)

Chapter 10
1 - pretended = given the appearance of something that isn'ttrue.
2 - slit = a narrow cut or opening.
3 - fuse = a long string used to light explosives.
4 - upset = angry and worried
5 - crouched = with knees bent close to the ground.
6 - harshly = severely
7 - evenly=(here) without showing a reaction like anger or surprise
8 -expedite = make happen more quickly
9 - bumping = (here) moving up and down because of the difficult road
10- droopy = hanging downwards.

For whom the bell tolls (9)

Chapter nine
1- Galloped = gone fast on a horse
2 - bridle = leather bands put on a horse's head for controlling its movements.
3- scatter = move quickly in different directions.
4 - calf - the lower back part of leg
5-sniper = a soldier who shoots from a concealed place
6 - besieging = surrounding a defended place to force it to surrender
7 - strode = walk with long quick steps, past simple of "to stride "
8 - trigger = ??
9 - roar = (here) long, loud noise
10 - tin bucket = metal container usually used for holding water
11 - hare = wild animal similar to a rabbit.
12 - burdens = (here) loads
13 be disheartened = lose confidence or hope
14 - called off = canceled

For whom the bell tolls (8)

Chapter eight
1- scabbard = a sheath for a gun or sword.
2- roared = (here) the sound the pistol made.
3 -stirrup = D-shaped piece of metal where you put your foot when riding a horse.
4-braids = lengths of hair divided into three parts in a special pattern.
5 - pans = parts of an old gun that hold the explosive powder.
6 - twisting = (here) turning to remove
7 - grenades = small bombs you throw.
8 - shameless = immodest, unable to feel shame.
9- muzzle = the end of a gun where the bulled comes out.
10- crows = large, black birds wit a loud cry.
11 - sentinels = guards or look outs.
12 - blind = something that hides or conceals
13 - cawed = made a loud, rough noise.
14 - clack = (here) the sound of the stones.
15 - clicks = (here) the sound of the rocks.
16 - deal with = (here) take action against
17 - matter = (here) subject of conversation.
18 - boulder = large rocks
19 - pobre = Spanish word for "poor man"
20 - was fond of = liked

For whom the bell tolls (7)

Chaptre seven

1 - matarlo = Spanish word for " kill him"
2 - becomes accustomed = gets used to things.
3 - aneroid = a barometer in which variations of atmospheric pressure are indicated.
4 - do away with = kill
5 -tapped = touched lightly
6 - merry-go-round = manège
7 = kindergarten = nursery school.
8 = deafness = a handicap, when a person cannot hear.
9 - branding iron = a piece of metal with a design at one end used for putting a mark on cows.
10 - jeered = laughed or shouted to show he had no respect for the argument .
11 - de la muerte = Spanish for " of death ".
12 - wizardry = magic
13 - sharp = (here) intense, severe.
14 - resinous sap = a thick, sticky liquid that comes out of cerain trees.
15 -hundle = (here) a collection of things tied together.

For whom the bell tolls (6)

Chapter six
1 - in a rage = in great anger.
2 -bleary = (here) red and unable to see well.
3- swore = (here) used bad language, past tense of "to swear
4 -clinked =touched with his cup.
5- avions = Spanish word for "plantes"
6- carts = vehicles pulled by animals.
7 - furnished = (here) provided.
8 - mounted = (here) put on a wall.
9 - napkin = square piece of cloth used to wipe the mouth and clean the fingers when eating
10 - staring = looking for a long time.
11 - shrouded =coverd, screened.
12- watches = (here) a period of guard duty.
13 - penance = self- punishment to show that one is sorry for having done wrong.
14 - clapped = (here) hit lightly in greeting or friendship.
15 -stinks = smells.
16 -mule = an animal which is half donky and half horse.
17 - fist = the hand with the fingers closed tightly.

For whom the bell tolls (5)

1 - heather = a wild plant with pink or white flowers.
2 - Ayuntamiento = Spanish word for " townhall ".
3 - flails = wooden tools consisting of a stick swinging from the end of long handles, used in the past for beating grain.

4 - pitch forks = long forks used for farm work.
5 - hollow = empty.

6 - fall back = retreat
7 - shrugged = moved shoulders up and down .
8 - flattered = complimented praised.
9 - curse = use obscene language.
10 - flood = (here) a lot of
11 - pidgin = simplified
12 - guapa = Spanish word for " beautiful girl ".
13 - lap = (here) upper part of leg when a person sits down .
14 - aching = paibful.
15 - all for it = in complete agreement.
16 - carry out = complete.
17 -

For whom the bell tolls (4)

Chapter four
1 - shivering = trembling with cold or fear.
2 cheek = the side of the face.
3 - fiercely = (here) with emotion, great intensity.
4 - curled = (here) in the foetal position.
5 - leave = (here) piece of paper.
6 - tanks = 7 camion = Spanish word for "trucks "
7 - doom = a terrible fate.
8 - widely set eyes = eyes far apart.
9 - firmly = strongly.
10 - smart = (here) intelligent , quick thinking

For whom the bell tolls (3)

1 - shone = past tense of " to shine ".
2 - canvas = strang, thick, cotton cloth.
3 - stirring = mixing.
4 - where he stood = what the others thought of him.
5 - ketle = container usedfor boiling water.
6 - I do not go for = Iam against
7 - flushed = (here) red.
8 - blush = go red in the face.
9 - allegiances = promises to be loyal.
10 - can we see the doing of it ? = can we see it happen ?
11 - sorrow = great sadness.
12 - molest = disturb.
13 - sleeping robe = a type of sleeping bag.
14 - patted = touched lightly.

For whom the bell tolls (2)

Chapter two
1 - platter = a large plate.
2 - tawny = light brown color.
3 - comb = use a comb.
4 - mujer = Spanish word for " woman " or " wife "
5 - grinned = smiled widely or happily.
6 - whip = long piece of leather or rope used to punish animals or people.
7 - how does she get on with ? = is she friendly with?
8 - knot = (here) small ball.
9 - Borracho = Spanish word for drunk.
10 - bitterly = angrily, unhappily.
11 - yards = American measurement, 1 yard = about 1 metre.
12 - line sketches = simple drawing, without details.
13 - under his hand = under control.
14 - harm = damage.
15 - unprintable = (here) an obscene word.

For whom the bell tolls(1)

Chapter one
1 - stream = a small river.
2 - mill = a building where flour is made from grain.
3 - smock = a loose piece of clothing , like a coat.
4 - rope-soled shoes = the bottom of these shoes are made of rope.
5 - flannel = lightweight material.
6 - sentry = soldier on guard.
7 - shade = shadow of the sun.
8 - utmost = complete, total.
9 - fair = light-colored.
10 - sweating = perspiring.
11 - steadily = at a regular speed .
12 - carbine = short, light gun.
13 - beard-stubbled face =face covered with hair because he hasn't shaved.
14 - seal = (hear) mark made of wax used to close letters.
15 - sullenly = silently showing dislike.
16 - valiant = brave.
17 - sell-out = the betrayal of a cause.
18 - whinnied = the noise a horse makes.
19 - unjust = not right or incorrect.
20 - scornfully = with disrespect.

mardi 24 mars 2009

I like to puff out my birthday candles !

puff = souffler

Do uou know about the World Snail Racing Championships in Norflk, England ?
This year, the winner was a snail called Heikki, who finished the race in 3 minutes and 2 seconds. Heikki the snail was named in honour of Lewis Hamilton's Formula One teammate !

snail = escargot

race/ racing = cours
teammate = coéquipier
The Signs of the Zodiac
March 21-April 19
April 20-May 20
May 21-June 20
June 21-July 22
July 23- Aug. 22
Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Sept. 23- Oct. 22
Oct. 23- Nov. 21
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Jan. 20-Feb 18
Feb. 19-March 20
QuickLinks to booklet Chapters More Links
Each of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac represents specific energy patterns, or modes of expression. They act as modifiers of the elements with which they are associated, be it a Planet or a House. Let us first look at the basic energy of each of the Astrological Signs, and then we will begin to get a sense of their modes of expression by examining the way in which each sign modifies an Astrological House.
We will look at the meaning of each of the Houses in more depth in the next chapter, The Twelve Houses. For now, we need to know that each house represents a certain area of experience. The Astrological Sign at the beginning of an Astrological House on your natal chart is known as the sign on the cusp, and is said to "Rule" that house. This means that the energy pattern of this sign will be a main influence on the area of life experiences symbolized by this house. (The exact time of your birth is needed to calculate the placement of your houses).
ARIESis fiery self-will in action; pioneering energy; new growth seeking to emerge.
The house where your Aries rules is where you will be challenged to grow and learn; where new things will keep emerging. Here you throw yourself into physical activity.
TAURUSis deliberation and determination seeking practical productivity in this world.
The house where your Taurus rules is where you will be challenged to be practical and productive. You hang on to the things of this house for security.
GEMINIis abstract curiosity seeking to form a picture of the world, and to communicate those perceptions to others.
The house where your Gemini rules is where you will be challenged to learn by following your curiosity; where communication will be important;, and where you will be able to see both sides of an issue.
CANCERis healing, nurturing, sensitivity seeking psychological understanding, emotional self-expression, and the capacity to heal others.
The house where your Cancer rules is where you will be challenged to create a "safe place" in which to grow emotionally. Here you have deep feelings, and tend to be super-sensitive and defensive.
LEOis self-expression seeking confidence, ease, and honor in the social world.
The house where your Leo rules is where you will be challenged to "shine"; to apply the positive, creative qualities of your sun sign, and find a sense of inner peace.
VIRGOis analysis, refinement, and discrimination seeking perfection and purification of the self. This is the sign of the craftsman.
The house where your Virgo rules is where you will be challenged to analyze your feelings in a practical, unemotional way. Here is where you can serve others in a quiet, unassuming way.
LIBRAis balance, harmony, and love of beauty seeking self-completion.
The house where your Libra rules is where you will be challenged to find balance. Here your ability to see both sides of any issue can lead to difficulty making choices.
SCORPIOis intense emotional power probing and penetrating into the unconscious; seeking the power of transformation at work in ordinary reality; seeking to accept all that is frightening or overwhelming.
The house where your Scorpio rules is where you will be challenged to completely transform your life. You seek control in this part of your life and can be manipulative and secretive.
SAGITTARIUS is an expansion quest to discover truth and the interconnectedness of all things.
The house where your Sagittarius rules is where you will be challenged to to expand your experiences. You are philosophical about the affairs of this house, and generous with its gifts.
CAPRICORN is self-discipline and austerity seeking integrity and moral courage.
The house where your Capricorn rules is where you will be challenged to win respect and recognition from others. You tend to combine traditional and original approaches to the affairs of this house, or to feel the frustration of being torn between the two.
AQUARIUSis eccentricity and radical individuality seeking freedom of the soul and communication with the group mind.
The house where your Aquarius rules is where you will be challenged to seek new knowledge in order to break down old ideas. Here you are very much ahead of your time.
PISCESis mystical dreaminess, warmth, and healing compassion seeking self-transcendence.
The house where your Pisces rules is where you will be challenged to discern between illumination and illusion. Here is a doorway, either to higher spiritual knowledge or to escape through day-dreaming or self-indulgence. It's difficult to learn to trust and follow your intuition, and you will feel as if you are acting blindly.

dimanche 22 mars 2009


lin (tissu) [masc.].toile [fém.].linge [masc.].
It is best to wash one's soiled linen at home: il faut laver son linge sale en famille.

Linen cloth: toile [fém.].
Linen room: lingerie (pièce) [fém.].


weave [prétérit: wove ou weaved, participe passé: woven ou wove](verbe)
tresser (vannerie).
EXPRESSIONS :To weave through: se faufiler.
tissage [masc.].


rehaut [masc.].
mèche (teinture) [fém.].
point culminant [masc.].

faire ressortir.
mettre en valeur.

Festive Felt Placemats


festive (adj.)
de fête, festif, gai

felt feutrine


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have new messages (last change).
Three household placemats made with, from the top: cork, wool and fiber.
A placemat is a protective table pad usually made of paper, plastic or cloth for restaurants and households. The term is derived from the mat being put at a persons "place" (chair) at a table.
Their primary function is to protect the table from water marks, food stains or heat damage; however they also serve as decoration, especially placemats made from lace or silk, or designed for holidays. In restaurants they can advertise menu items, specials and local businesses; and/or can have games for children.
Higher end placemats made from vinyl or leather are used by hotels and organizations for meetings as they allow for easier writing, provide an area to lean comfortably and place objects on the table with minimal noise during meetings.

samedi 14 mars 2009

from : I love English
The curious case of Benjamin Btton

l'étrange histoire de Benjamin Button

Benjamin Button is not un ordinary man. He ages backwards ! When he was born he was already an old man and every birthday he gets younger. Life in not easy for Benjamin. When he falls in love with Daisy he realises that he can not stop time...

to age :

backwards :
en arrière

fall in love :
tomber amoureux

coeur d'encre

from : I love english

Inkheart :
coeur d'encre

Meggie and her father Mo, love books. But Mo has a secret. when he reads a book out loud he can bring the characters to life.When Mo reads the book Inkheart, some of the evil characters escape. Can Meggie and Mo put them back in the book before it is too late.

out loud :
à voix haute

bring to life :
faire renaître

character :

evil :

late :

Bride wars

Liv and Emma have been best friends since they were kids. when the two of them get engaged , they decide to plan their weddings together. Everything is perfect until they find out their weddings are on the same day ! Liv and emma declare war because they don't want to give up thier dream wedding. who will win the war?

since(adverbe et préposition)
depuis (que).

EXPRESSIONS :Since his arrival: depuis son arrivée.

How long is it since he settled in Paris ?:
combien de temps y a-t-il qu'il s'est installé à Paris ?

bride (n.)
future mariée, jeune mariée, mariée

to get engaged
se fiancer

wedding :

to find out :
apercevoir, apprendre,
découvrir, détecter (V+comp),
déterminer, établir, observer,
prendre au dépourvu,

to give up :

Thank you: merci.

Thank goodness !: dieu merci !

Thanking you in anticipation: en vous remerciant d'avance.

mardi 10 mars 2009

lundi 9 mars 2009

14 February

4 February Valentine's day

Postman in the UK can gave a break on Valentine's Day because people now send six times more Valentine's SMS than cards. 78 million SMS are sent on 14 February compared with 12 million cards. A popular message is : WYBMV

will you be my Valentine ?

Break :

Postman :


"30 "

That's the number of couples who got married underwater In Thailand on Valentin's Day. The couples, from 22 countries, all said " Yes " at the same time - 10 metres underwater.

Verseau , Aquarius

Aquarius :

January 20 --- February 18

Edison's Birthday Party

On 11 February there is a birthday party in Louisville, USA, for the famous American inventor Thomas Edison.
He was born in 1847 and had more than 1.000 inventions ! His most famous invention was the light bulb.

light bulb :

party :


My sweetheart
Choose a heart-shaped cake and write your message on it with icing.

sweetheart :

Heart-shaped :
en forme de coeur


Each year, more than 200 people run up to the 86th floor of the Empire State Building.

That's 1,576 steps ! IN 2007 the winner did it in 10 minutes and 8 seconds.

Why didn't they take the lift ?!

run up :
monter en courant

lift :

step :

floor :


Lily Allen, the 23-year-old English singer, is back with a new album called It's Not Me, It's Not You.
Fans have waited over two years for the album and Lily is sure they will not be disappointed
" I always know when I start writing a song if it's going to be a good one or not."