vendredi 27 mars 2009

For whom the bell tolls (8)

Chapter eight
1- scabbard = a sheath for a gun or sword.
2- roared = (here) the sound the pistol made.
3 -stirrup = D-shaped piece of metal where you put your foot when riding a horse.
4-braids = lengths of hair divided into three parts in a special pattern.
5 - pans = parts of an old gun that hold the explosive powder.
6 - twisting = (here) turning to remove
7 - grenades = small bombs you throw.
8 - shameless = immodest, unable to feel shame.
9- muzzle = the end of a gun where the bulled comes out.
10- crows = large, black birds wit a loud cry.
11 - sentinels = guards or look outs.
12 - blind = something that hides or conceals
13 - cawed = made a loud, rough noise.
14 - clack = (here) the sound of the stones.
15 - clicks = (here) the sound of the rocks.
16 - deal with = (here) take action against
17 - matter = (here) subject of conversation.
18 - boulder = large rocks
19 - pobre = Spanish word for "poor man"
20 - was fond of = liked

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