mardi 24 mars 2009

The Signs of the Zodiac
March 21-April 19
April 20-May 20
May 21-June 20
June 21-July 22
July 23- Aug. 22
Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Sept. 23- Oct. 22
Oct. 23- Nov. 21
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Jan. 20-Feb 18
Feb. 19-March 20
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Each of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac represents specific energy patterns, or modes of expression. They act as modifiers of the elements with which they are associated, be it a Planet or a House. Let us first look at the basic energy of each of the Astrological Signs, and then we will begin to get a sense of their modes of expression by examining the way in which each sign modifies an Astrological House.
We will look at the meaning of each of the Houses in more depth in the next chapter, The Twelve Houses. For now, we need to know that each house represents a certain area of experience. The Astrological Sign at the beginning of an Astrological House on your natal chart is known as the sign on the cusp, and is said to "Rule" that house. This means that the energy pattern of this sign will be a main influence on the area of life experiences symbolized by this house. (The exact time of your birth is needed to calculate the placement of your houses).
ARIESis fiery self-will in action; pioneering energy; new growth seeking to emerge.
The house where your Aries rules is where you will be challenged to grow and learn; where new things will keep emerging. Here you throw yourself into physical activity.
TAURUSis deliberation and determination seeking practical productivity in this world.
The house where your Taurus rules is where you will be challenged to be practical and productive. You hang on to the things of this house for security.
GEMINIis abstract curiosity seeking to form a picture of the world, and to communicate those perceptions to others.
The house where your Gemini rules is where you will be challenged to learn by following your curiosity; where communication will be important;, and where you will be able to see both sides of an issue.
CANCERis healing, nurturing, sensitivity seeking psychological understanding, emotional self-expression, and the capacity to heal others.
The house where your Cancer rules is where you will be challenged to create a "safe place" in which to grow emotionally. Here you have deep feelings, and tend to be super-sensitive and defensive.
LEOis self-expression seeking confidence, ease, and honor in the social world.
The house where your Leo rules is where you will be challenged to "shine"; to apply the positive, creative qualities of your sun sign, and find a sense of inner peace.
VIRGOis analysis, refinement, and discrimination seeking perfection and purification of the self. This is the sign of the craftsman.
The house where your Virgo rules is where you will be challenged to analyze your feelings in a practical, unemotional way. Here is where you can serve others in a quiet, unassuming way.
LIBRAis balance, harmony, and love of beauty seeking self-completion.
The house where your Libra rules is where you will be challenged to find balance. Here your ability to see both sides of any issue can lead to difficulty making choices.
SCORPIOis intense emotional power probing and penetrating into the unconscious; seeking the power of transformation at work in ordinary reality; seeking to accept all that is frightening or overwhelming.
The house where your Scorpio rules is where you will be challenged to completely transform your life. You seek control in this part of your life and can be manipulative and secretive.
SAGITTARIUS is an expansion quest to discover truth and the interconnectedness of all things.
The house where your Sagittarius rules is where you will be challenged to to expand your experiences. You are philosophical about the affairs of this house, and generous with its gifts.
CAPRICORN is self-discipline and austerity seeking integrity and moral courage.
The house where your Capricorn rules is where you will be challenged to win respect and recognition from others. You tend to combine traditional and original approaches to the affairs of this house, or to feel the frustration of being torn between the two.
AQUARIUSis eccentricity and radical individuality seeking freedom of the soul and communication with the group mind.
The house where your Aquarius rules is where you will be challenged to seek new knowledge in order to break down old ideas. Here you are very much ahead of your time.
PISCESis mystical dreaminess, warmth, and healing compassion seeking self-transcendence.
The house where your Pisces rules is where you will be challenged to discern between illumination and illusion. Here is a doorway, either to higher spiritual knowledge or to escape through day-dreaming or self-indulgence. It's difficult to learn to trust and follow your intuition, and you will feel as if you are acting blindly.

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