vendredi 27 mars 2009

For whom the bell tolls (11)

Chapter 11
1 -dismounted = got off a horse
2 -creaking =noise of two things moving agaist each other
3- suerte =Spanish word for "good luck"
4 - blaze = a mark cut on a tree to indicate a trail or place
5 maquina = (here) Spanish word for machine gun
6 stretch = (here) part
7 pine-needle = leaf of a pine tree
8 swooping = (here) moving quickly
9 - mounted = (here) got higher
10 -staff car = car used in the army to carry officers
11- thwarted = unfulfilled
12 - outcome = conclusion
13 -short-wave sets = short-wave radios
14- framework = (here) the structure that supports the bridge
15 - jerk = pull very quickly
16- pit of his stomach = part of the stomach where he feels fear
17- dug his heels in = put the back of his feet into the ground
18 - dove = jumped head first, past tense of "to dive"
19- pebbles = small, round , smooth stones.
20- numb = without feeling because of shock or fear
21- unelated = not happy
22- timber = (here) forest.
23- surging = (here) moving more quickly
24- boiler = a metal container for heating water as in a steam engine.
25- ripped apart = pulled open violently and quickly
26 - joint = an articulation between two bones that allows movement
27-mucked = (here) ruined
28- swelling = an increase in size
29- You are all there will be of me= when I am gone my memory will live in you
30- drained = finished
31 - bile = bitter, yellow liquid produced by the liver
32 - trotting = riding quite fast on a horse

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