vendredi 27 mars 2009

For whom the bell tolls (9)

Chapter nine
1- Galloped = gone fast on a horse
2 - bridle = leather bands put on a horse's head for controlling its movements.
3- scatter = move quickly in different directions.
4 - calf - the lower back part of leg
5-sniper = a soldier who shoots from a concealed place
6 - besieging = surrounding a defended place to force it to surrender
7 - strode = walk with long quick steps, past simple of "to stride "
8 - trigger = ??
9 - roar = (here) long, loud noise
10 - tin bucket = metal container usually used for holding water
11 - hare = wild animal similar to a rabbit.
12 - burdens = (here) loads
13 be disheartened = lose confidence or hope
14 - called off = canceled

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